Sunday, April 08, 2007

Step It Up

Next Saturday, April 14, will witness a grassroots effort called Step It Up 2007. The brainchild of environmental writer Bill McKibben, Step It Up envisions thousands of Americans taking to the streets or precious natural areas, to encourage our lawmakers to pass legislation aimed at combating Global Warming. I've written in this blog (though not often enough) that this country needs true leadership to step up and combat this ominous threat to human well-being. Next Saturday will be an opportunity to demonstrate that, by sitting on their hands, our lawmakers are not representing our wishes. So get out and lend your voice to the effort.

Activities will take place in all 50 states, including 32 planned for Maine. I plan to be at the Polar Bear Action in Brunswick. I hope to see you there, or hear about your participation in other events.

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Blogger Wisdom Weasel said...

I wish you'd sit still on one blog...

Camden Snow Bowl is in on this too. Its an awesome demonstration of people power.

7:18 PM  
Anonymous tree service expert atlanta ga said...

I just hope that there is still an event like this til now. It's just sad that global warming is mostly the effect of man's activity. And events like this might give knowledge to us people that we can prevent global warming.

I'm glad I have passed by your site and read something inspiring as this. Thanks for sharing.

tree service expert atlanta GA

7:25 AM  

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