Earth Day News - Green Inns
Today's Maine Sunday Telegram has an article about Maine's new Green Lodging Certification Program. Ten inns have been already been certified as providers of Green accomodations, with several more working on their applications. Inn owners find that running a green business can save money (primarily energy costs), as well as provide a boon to business, as many travellers will prefer to patronize a business with a good environemental record.
According to the article, the Maine program is modeled after similar ones in Vermont and Nova Scotia. Ten Maine inns are currently certified, including the Inn By The Sea, The Harraseeket Inn, and America's Best Inn of Augusta, all of which are members of the Green Hotels Association. Special mention also goes to the Maple Hill Farm B&B in Hallowell, which generates a portion of its electricity with an on-site wind turbine.
Some of these facilities are making a business decision, while others may be actively attempting to grow awareness in the public about environmental issues. I personally never really considered the enormous volumes of water and detergent that go into laundering hotel towels and linens until I read a card in a room that I stayed in a few years ago. Now I try to make a point of staying in Green hotels, and I make sure to reuse my towel and make sure my sheets are not washed until I leave. Every little bit helps, and one day it will be a habit for all travellers.
Kudos to Maine for its new program, to the hotels joining in, and to Vermont and Nova Scotia and any others engaged in a similar program. Go Green when travelling!